Sunday, January 31, 2010

It Can't Be Like This for Long...

Well-this past week ranks up there with one, if not THE, Worst week of my life. Last Sunday was a disaster in and of itself that I don't even want to get into. I'll just say that it was emotional, surprising, disappointing, and shocking.....It's definitely something that I'm ready to get behind me and forget about, however it has done nothing but haunt me this whole week. All I can really say is-I'm going to miss my nephew and I love him oh so very much!

As I enter this brand new week and work, I'm trying to stay as positive as I can. The constant fear and stress of not knowing whether I'll have a job or not is really starting to get to me. I will definitely be ready for April 1st since that is the absolute last day that the corporation can let us know if we'll be getting laid off. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that God has a plan and everything will work out okay.

This crappy weather is definitely not helping out. Kyle and I are both ready for the nice, warm summer weather. I think he's finally realized how not fun cold, winter weather is. This is the same guy that used to love snow. As spring nears, we are debating putting our house on the market to see if we can sell it this year and find something with some more space and land for our boys to run. They love going out to either of our parents house to run around. Obviously all of these plans are dependent on my job status. Yet another reason I am praying I get to keep my job. Hopefully things will work out and we'll get what we want.

Kyle's birthday is coming slowly but surely. I am totally up in the air about what to get him. I would like to do something somewhat special since he's going to be the big 25. Any ideas? He's SO ready to use his Christmas presents and go golfing. He's starting to drive me nuts about it. He's like a little kid sometimes. Hopefully a nice day will come along sometime soon so he can go at least once just to curb his appetite until the warm whether really gets here. We'll see....

Monday, January 18, 2010

Back to School!

We went back to school on January 4th. That first week was rough getting back into the swing of things. I got so used to sleeping in during my two weeks off, that getting up at 6:45 was a big snap back into reality. That was the week we got all the snow. We ended up getting sent home on Thursday at 2:15 and had school cancelled on Friday. I was a little surprised to see school cancelled on Friday, but I guess the corporation received enough flack for sending us to school on Thursday that they thought they better make up for it. It was nice having the day off, although I spent the whole day cleaning since Kyle's family was coming over for Mexican night.

This past week was upset by constant talk of the school corporation's financial situation and who would or would not possibly have a job next year. Unfortunately, I am on the list of being very uncertain as to whether I'll have a job or not next year. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. It's very scary to think about, but I'm trying to be realistic and look ahead in case I have to eventually. Only time will tell.

We had a three day weekend this week because of MLK day. Our next day off isn't until President's Day. =( Work is going quickly right now because we are doing our DIBELS testing. However, music is getting harder and harder to teach each day. I just can't get motivated to be excited and teach something that I know nothing about and dislike doing. I'm already counting down the days til my last day of teaching music.

I'm definitely ready for nice weather to come. I'm getting very tired of the cold and dreariness. I would love to plan to go somewhere for spring break this year. Kyle and I have never gone on a spring break trip together and the last trip we both went on was our senior year of high school almost 6 years ago-WOW-weird to think of! However, I am sure that we will stay home and save our money for something better, like trying to get out of this house. We're both definitely ready to move back out into the country whenever possible. We even have our eye on a few houses we'd like to look at eventually, but right now we're trying to get our ducks in a row and figure out if and when we can put our house up on the market. We'll see. I'm even debating on getting a part time job to speed the process along, but am really struggling with trying to get myself to apply for a job that will take up my free time (well what free time I have outside of grad school and tutoring). I guess I just need to decide which one I want more, and as the nice weather gets closer and closer I am reminded of the constant annoyance of our neighbors that are always over. So right now, I am thinking that part time job is looking better and better.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Well, I find myself in a foul mood because I have to go back to work tomorrow after having 2 weeks off. I know-selfish because I'm already spoiled by getting 2 weeks away but I want more! However, these past two weeks have been a much needed break from work and grad. school. I had a blast spending time with my family and friends!

Christmas was great! We are so blessed to have such great families that can provide us with great gifts. Kyle's Christmas was very golf oriented. He got a whole new set of irons, putter, wedge, driver, bag, and a rottweiler golf head that is so cute! Nonetheless, once it gets nice I'll probably never see him because he'll be golfing so much! Oh well-I'm glad he's found himself another hobby that he enjoys.

I was able to spend a fun day with my bestest Jackie. We went to lunch and went to see Blindside, which is an amazing movie that everyone must see if you haven't yet. It was so good to finally see her again and catch up! I definitely look forward to any time that I get to spend with her once she's back in L-town. Her wedding is coming up at the end of July, so I'm anxious for things to start picking up with her planning and festivities! =)

We went to the Cactus on New Years with Brandon & Tonia, Phil & Jessica, and Kyle's sister Lauren. I had a great time! I had never been to the Cactus when it was really packed so that was fun. I probably had a little too much fun because I was not feeling very good once we got home or the whole next day. I figure that can be my one last hurrah for awhile now.

As much as I'm not looking forward to going back to work, I am also just as ready to go back to get back into the routine of things and get this school year over. I've heard that the corporation might be making staff cuts this year so I'm keeping my fingers crossed I won't be one of them! Keep your fingers crossed for me!

Hope everyone had a great new year! Here's to a successful 2010!