Friday, January 4, 2013

12 in 12

I realize that I'm almost a week late in posting this, but I did it last year and really enjoyed looking back at what I had to say then. I feel like it is another great way to track what's going on and how I'm feeling from year to year.

So here goes...

12 Favorite Things

12. Favorite movie you watched:
I am a total movie person so this one is hard. When I think about all of the movies that I've seen this year, there are 3 that really stick out and I just can't decide (well, kinda).  1-Breaking Dawn Part II, 2-Hunger Games, 3-The Dark Knight Rises. If I'm being completely honest with myself it's definitely got to be Breaking Dawn Part II-I saw it twice in theaters and am contemplating searching Google right now to see when it will be out on DVD.  I know it won't be soon enough.


11. Favorite TV Series:

My obsession with TV series continues to grow and since this fall I've become obsessed with two shows-Scandal and Revenge. Scandal is by far my new favorite show! It is so dirty and scandalous (no pun intended). I just can't help myself and look forward to Thursday nights at 10. I just started watching Revenge over break and even got Kyle turned on to it too. We watched the whole first season on Netflix and caught ourselves up on the 2nd season on

10. Favorite Restaurant:
Hands down Bluefin. I love me some crazy rolls and wish it was not so stinkin' expensive so that we could go more often. I told the hubs today that it needs to be in my near future, even if it's just for takeout. Only downside is that they don't do take out on the weekends and it is now the weekend.  Sometime next week maybe.

9.  Favorite new thing you tried:
Definitely highlighting my hair.  Ever since Kayleigh was born, the white hairs have taken over my scalp and I just could not take it anymore.  I used to get my hair highlighted when I was in high school, but stopped once mommy and daddy stopped paying for it, realizing it was a want and not a need. However, at 26 years old, I was definitely not okay with the amount of whites that I was seeing, so I took the financial plunge and started getting it done again. I hate paying the money because it is so stinking expensive (in my opinion), but I have definitely been much happier with not being able to see the whites and feeling like I "look better" overall.

10.  Favorite gift you got:
Hands down, my Mac.  My parents gave me a Mac desktop for Christmas this year.  I actually got it back in October(ish), but it took me quite awhile to get used to it, get everything transferred over, and delete everything off our HP.  Thankfully my best friend's husband is very resourceful when it comes to Apple products. I was definitely lost until I attended the Alex Dimitt Mac workshop.  Thanks Al!

7. Favorite thing you pinned:
OH DEAR! Do I really have to choose just one?!  I love Pinterest dearly and have acquired so many great ideas and helpful hints since discovering this site.  I made a ton of changes to my classroom this year because of Pinterest and already have a board set up for things to do next summer for the next school year. Mostly thought-the recipes.  We have fell in love with so many different, new recipes over the past year. Thank you Pinterest for giving us something else to eat other than the usual, boring stuff that we were getting so tired of.

6. Favorite blog post:

My 10 month, 10 steps post about when Kayleigh started walking. I look back now and that seems so long ago.  So much has changed since then, but it was shortly after that post that so many things began to change with her.  It's so fun to go back and relive those short couple of days that it took her to figure out how to walk all by herself.

5.  Best accomplishment:

Hmmm...Is it bad I can't think of one? Maybe it's just me being hard on myself. I guess I would have to say it's the 5 pounds I've lost during this holiday season. I have been stuck about 15 pounds more than my pre-pregnancy weight since last September when I stopped breastfeeding Kayleigh.  I tried working out but gained weight, so I stopped. Yes I realize it was probably muscle, but I didn't care.  I'm hoping that I can continue to lose about 10 more pounds this year...somehow...and get at least back to my pre-pregnancy weight.

4.  Favorite Picture:

Too many to choose from, but honestly anything that has Kayleigh in it. I can't help but grin from ear to ear when I look at any one of the thousands of her that I have.
Favorite Family Pic

Favorite Kayleigh Pic

She was literally gagging just from looking at and smelling the inside of the pumpkin.  Kyle and I could not stop laughing.  We laughed til we cried.

3.  Favorite Memory:
Kayleigh's 1st birthday.  I cannot believe how time flies! I had such a blast planning and decorating for Kayleigh's birthday party.  We had a party at our house for all of our closest family and friends.  It was a nice HOT day followed by a surprise thunderstorm.  It was so humbling to see so many people come to show their love and support for her. It was a great day to look back to reflect on all of the great memories and experiences she has brought into our life just in one short year. I am so looking forward to making many more memories with our amazing little girl this year! She is truly the best!

2.  Goal for 2013:
Try to start being genuinely happy again by being in a better place financially.  My mom always told me growing up that money will control your life.  Boy, was she right!  Kyle and I haven't made some of the best choices financially this year and have found ourselves in a position that we have realized we do not ever want to be in again.  It has definitely controlled our lives this year, both mentally and emotionally.  We're dedicating 2013 to making better financial decisions and to starting to slowly climb our way out of the hole that we are in. I know that it will take time and the problem probably won't be solved this year, but it HAS to be done and I'm looking forward to kicking this problem in the butt. 

1. One Little Word:  Discipline

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