So I thought it would be a good idea to record some of the big things that happened in 2011 so that I can go back and look back on them in the years to come.
Here goes...
11. Favorite Movie You Watched
This would definitely have to be the Twilight Breaking Dawn movie. I totally feel like a little teenie bopper again when I say that I am totally on the Twilight bandwagon, but I just love me some Edward and Bella. I honestly can NOT wait until the final movie comes out later this year.
10. Favorite TV Series
Well I am still super in love with some of my oldies like Survivor, Grey's, One Tree Hill, Bachelor/Bachelorette, so I'll go with a new TV series-cough cough, Terranova, cough cough. I know, I know. You're probably thinking Terra what? So if you know me, you know that I have always been an avid lover of dinosaurs. I mean I think I broke the VHS of The Land Before Time from watching it SO much probably every weekend when I was a kid. Kyle gives me such a hard time for watching this show, but it is my guilty pleasure and one that I looked forward to every week. Basically it's set in the future but also the past. In the future scientists have figured out how to time travel to any time period and there is a time portal to go back to when the dinosaurs lived (possibly on another planet hence the name Terranova). There is a lottery and very particular selection process as to who gets to go to this "new" place. The goal in sending people to this new place is to go back and do things the right way as far as the economy and taking care of/respecting the planet because the current one is all but rotten now. So they get to this new place and there are dinosaurs and all sorts of drama going on. Again, you have to have a creative mind to enjoy something like this. Probably why Kyle does not like it-if it's not black and white/real or fake he doesn't watch it.
9. Favorite Restaurant
Being pregnant this past year definitely opened me up to eating some new and different foods that I typically wouldn't have ever gone near. My new favorite restaurant is Bluefin, or more specifically The Patio at Bluefin. We went there for dinner on New Year's Eve. We get the crazy rolls there and they are absolutely to. die. for! Mmmm....mmmmm....mmmm!
8. Favorite New Thing You Tried
This would definitely have to be using teaching blogs to help me at work. I was first introduced to these last February or Marchish from one of the kindergarten teachers and they have changed my life as far as teaching goes. There are such great, amazing teachers out there that are SO willing to share their work and ideas(mostly for free or a small fee). It makes my life so much easier and more fun. I now blog-stalk a ton of teaching blogs for ideas and changes to make in my classroom. Too bad there's just never enough time (or money) to do it all.
Some of my favorites are:
1-The Inspired Apple
2-First Grade Parade
3-Step into Second Grade with Mrs. Lemons
7. Favorite Gift You Received
This may be far stretched, but I think Kyle would agree with me on this one-our daughter from God. She is truly such a blessing and the best thing that has happened to the two of us. Things started out a little rough for her and our "new" family, but life has been nothing short of pure bliss since she came home. There never will be a better gift than her. I will be forever grateful.
6. Favorite Thing You Pinned
Pinterest is another one of those things that has changed my life this year and made teaching SO much easier. Need an idea for a lesson plan, skill, or holiday-check Pinterest. It is so addicting and I do it all the time, mostly from my phone. It's gotten to the point where Kyle will see me on my phone and he will say-"What are you pinning now?" 99% of the time he's right in that I am on Pinterest. To try and pick on favorite pin, I don't know if I can do that so I'll choose my favorite board-the baby and photography boards. I'm really trying to learn how to take better, more professional pictures (I'd love to quit my teaching job and be a photographer), so this is great for tips and picture ideas. If you want some pictures taken, I'd love the practice!
5. Favorite Blog Post
Probably the one I typed right before my water broke. I love going back and reading that post. It literally takes me right back to the day and makes me feel like it's happening all over again. The number of emotions that are in that post is unbelievable and to know that my water broke literally almost an hour after I wrote it just makes me realize how little we are in the grand scheme of things and how out of our control our lives are sometimes. Definitely one I will cherish and love to show Kayleigh someday.
4. Favorite Accomplishment
Oh boy-there were many accomplishments in 2011. I finished my master's program and my first year of teaching, but my favorite one that I am most proud of is becoming a mom. It's all fun and games until reality strikes you and you're in the labor and delivery room pushing your brains out to meet this little person who is going to depend on you as their source of love, support, and guidance for the rest of your life. It's all sorts of scary and exciting all wrapped up at once. I remember finally being able to bring her home from the hospital, laying her in her pack-n-play, looking at Kyle, while my head is screaming WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO?! AM I GOING TO BE ABLE TO DO THIS? WHAT IF I DO SOMETHING WRONG AND IT HURTS HER?! I'M NEVER GOING TO SLEEP AGAIN! WHEN WILL I GET MY OLD BODY BACK? CAN WE AFFORD THIS?! And on and on and on... 6 months later and I look back and laugh at all of those things.
3. Favorite Picture
It's the one up top-I could not get it to be where I wanted it to be for some reason. Will try to change it soon.
It makes my heart smile every time...
2. Favorite Memory
Seeing Kayleigh look at me, recognize me, and smile at me for the first time. There is just something simply so amazing when your child looks at you, recognizes who you are, and smiles because they are happy to see you. I know it won't always be this way sometimes, but her precious little smiles are SO contagious and I can't help but smile every single time I see her do it.
1. Goals for 2012
Oh boy-where to start? I've never really been one for resolutions. I thought they were silly and pointless because most people never stick to them anyways. However, in my efforts to turn over a new leaf I have made a few for myself this year.
*Lose 20 lbs. I gained 50 lbs during my pregnancy. I've lost all but 10-but have hit a roadblock, plus my eating and working out habits (which have been zero!) are probably not helping. I'd like to lose the rest of that baby weight and an additional 10, which I gained in college. I know it's a long stretch and maybe wishful thinking, but I would like to see if I can do it. I've never really had to lose weight before so this might be pretty hard for me. We'll see if I can do it.
*Be a better domesticated wife for Kyle. Once the newness of moving out and living in our own house wore off, so did my desire to clean, do dishes, fold the laundry, etc. Let's just face it-these are all things that I do not enjoy doing nor ever will. I tend to overlook the fact that Kyle does really help me out A LOT with these things and I don't give him enough credit for it. I need to get back to not being so lazy and pull my weight around the house.
*Eat at home more. We ate out A LOT last year due to my pregnancy cravings and lack of motivation to cook at all. Eating out comes with spending way more money than necessary. I would love to get back in the habit of eating at home every night and taking my lunch to school every day. When I taught at Hershey I had to take my lunch because there was nowhere to go if I didn't. Now that I'm on the west side, there are restaurants and fast food joints galore. Time to implement some self-discipline.
I hope that if you made new years resolutions you are able to stick to them and hopefully so can I.
Happy 2012 everyone!
Happy New Year!!!! I love your blog! I am awarding you the versatile blogger award! Come by my blog to check it out :o)