Tuesday, June 18, 2013

I Sound Like a Broken Record

Well...As hard as it is to believe, our baby girl is 2 years old already! I know I probably sound like a broken record at this point, but where does time go? It sounds so cliche to say that it's unreal how much our lives have changed in the past two years and how much joy and happiness this one little girl has brought into our lives, but I've realized I've turned into one of those people. Until you're a  parent, you just. don't. get. it. Yes, your life changes SO dramatically and SO quickly once you have a baby. Yes, you experience a love you never realized was even possible. Yes, you realize you would die in a millisecond for this little person you've only known for even a minute. Yes, you think every. little. thing. is something to document either with pictures or pen and paper, or a milestone of some sort, or cute, or that you need to declare your infatuation and admiration on Facebook to family and friends. Yes, suddenly this little person trumps your spouse or your marriage for that matter. Yes, you talk about them ALL.THE.TIME. Yes, you catch yourself smiling with pride and admiration all the time just by watching them do something so small or routine. Yes, time really does fly by. I could go on and on about the things that I thought people were "just saying" when I was pregnant that really are true. It does sound cliche. But it's not. It's real life. And that's definitely something I've come to realize as Kayleigh gets older and older. I wish I could freeze time. I know I can't, but if there was a way that I could, I would do it in a heartbeat.  I have had an absolute blast with her so far this summer. She is at such a fun age where she can talk more and her personality is developing so much. Not to be the pessimist, but my summer is almost halfway over. Don't get me wrong-I am not complaining. I am so grateful to have my summers off, but I'm absolutely dreading going back to school in August already. That first day back may very well likely be harder than the first day I dropped her off at daycare as an infant. Don't get it twisted though. She definitely has her moments and I'm half convinced that the infamous "terrible twos" are headed our way, but I honestly wouldn't have it any other way. Through the good and the bad, my mindset from the very beginning has been to cherish it all. The good. The bad. The fun times. And the not so fun times. Because before you know it's over and you're on to the next "phase". There are so many things that I can't wait for her to do, or to see what she'll like, or what she will look like. But I can wait. I don't want to wish her life away. I'm going to cherish every moment and enjoy them all because she very well may be our only one. So I'm going to make it count. We are absolutely enamored with this little girl. I could go on and on (clearly), but I'll stop there for today.

Instead, I'll leave you with her birthday party.  We celebrated on Saturday with close family and friends with a Minnie Mouse themed party. The party went really well and the weather was perfect in comparison to last year's heat stroke that we endured. I know Kyle and I were so grateful to everyone that was able to make it to spend some time with our sweet girl.  Here are some pictures from the day.

 Lunch with some of her friends

 Cousin Love
Mommy's Girl