Sunday, August 15, 2010

It Keeps Getting Better

Mr. & Mrs. Dimitt

They beautiful bride-she looked absolutely stunning!

The bride and her mom....Diane looked like a fox!

The best friend a girl could ask for-my sister

All the bridesmaids after getting our hair done

The bride and groom to be at the rehearsal

So July 31st my best friend got married! I thought, being her matron of honor, I would be an emotional wreck. I surprised myself and did much better than I thought I would at the wedding. I definitely think I cried more while I was typing my speech for the reception-although I did cry a lot while I was giving my speech. Although it rained that day (they say that's supposed to be good luck), it was a beautiful weekend! The bride and groom dazzled and had a bunch of great family and friends there to support them and party. I know I did my fair share of partying, but I've waited two whole years for this. I'm so happy for you Jackie and Alex and hope your weekend was nothing short of what you dreamed of. You both deserve it.

The Monday before the wedding I got a phone call from Hershey's new principal asking me if I'd be interested in filling one of my friends' maternity leave. I went in Tuesday and accepted a maternity leave for my dear friend, Sally, until mid-October. Of course I was still praying something full time would come up. Luckily it did-I received a phone call from Cumberland the following Tuesday for a 2nd interview (I had a 1st at the end of June). I went in for my interview Wednesday and was SO nervous because let's face it-there was A LOT riding on this interview. I needed this job. The interview as intense and I had a few moments I wish went better. I went home frustrated and freaking out that I had ruined it all. Apparently I didn't because Kim, the principal, called me later that afternoon to offer me a 1st grade position at Cumberland Elementary in West Lafayette Schools. I cannot even begin to explain the relief and weight that I felt lifted off my shoulders at that moment. Luckily Kyle stayed home that day and was right there to share my happy news with. I am SO excited that a-I got a job and b-I finally get my own classroom and c-in a wonderful school corp that seems to have it together. I went in Friday to get my keys and start the moving process, which I hope I will NEVER have to do again-as I'm sure my parents and Kyle hope as well. They have all been great in helping me move and get things settled in. My mom has been my saving grace though and has been the best helper in the world in so many ways. I don't think I could've gotten everything done had it not been for her. Since that Friday, I have spent everyday in my classroom for anywhere from 10-14 hours. I'm exhausted, but I'm also not complaining because I have a job. My room is finally almost done-just a few things left to hang-I'll post pictures soon.

Things seem to have a weird way of working out. I never thought in the HUGE pool of unemployed teachers that I would be the one to get a job. I feel so truly blessed. Someone is definitely watching over me. Mom is convinced I have a guardian angel. I'm hoping she's right and that guardian angel will finally bless us soon with what we've been trying 8 1/2 months for. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

As excited as I am about my job, I am sad that summer break is officially over. We have our first teacher workday tomorrow and students come back on Tuesday. Summer just never seems to be long enough. Already looking forward to the fun holidays that are just around the corner-Halloween, Thanksgiving (Mmm) and Christmas (Mmmm). LOVE this time of year!